Bloom River Gardens

Oregon Grown
        Specialty Plants

Take time to browse through the plant selections in our online nursery . You’ll find common and reliable landscape plants as well as new and exotic varieties!

Oregon Grown
        Specialty Plants

Take time to browse through the plant selections in our online nursery . You’ll find common and reliable landscape plants as well as new and exotic varieties!

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kosteri' (garden bonsai)

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kosteri' (garden bonsai) | Standards

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Kosteri' (garden bonsai)

Price: $450.00


Growth Habit: pruned and/or trained in the Niwaki form
USDA Zone: 4-8
Exposure: filtered to full sun
Growing Conditions: well drained soils
Comments: Our Niwaki conifers are pruned to resemble clouds which are somewhat flat on the bottom and low mounding on top. Depending on one's pruning preference these clouds can grow to nearly touch one another or be kept further apart. Some resemble windswept trees, or miniature Giant Sequoias, and others are more balanced in their branching. All are a minimum 20 years old and 24-30 inches high. Only one example is shown here. Should you like to see others please contact us.
